Tuesday 16 January 2018

Blender - Mushroom

A file of my mushroom in Blender,

Blender - Intro continued

A link to my continued work in Blender.

Blender - Intro

A link to my Blender intro work.

Scratch Level 4 - Create Your Own Game

1, What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific.

I had difficulties with programming blocks to fall and disappear no matter what order the players hit them with a hammer because the coding was very complicated. I programmed each blocks many times and made sure how individual blocks were moving and disappearing.

2, If you used tutorials or another person's scratch project for reference, tell me what changes did you make to 
    YOUR project?

I referenced Japanese game, Daruma Otoshi on YouTube.
In the Daruma Otoshi game, the payer tries to hit all the blocks not letting its tower of blocks fall down. In my game, the tower won't fall, but a bat bother a player to hit the blocks.

3, What feedback did your beta testers have for you and how did you implement their suggestions?

My game didn't have score system at first, but I was recommended to have the system so the player can enjoy the game more.

4, What would you improve with your game? What would be the next steps with your game if you had more 

It was very challenging to smoothly program what I wanted my game to work and had difficulties with managing time for finishing the game. I would like to improve the game system to be more exciting and fun to plsy.